School Rules and Behaviour


School Rules:

These are kept to a minimum as follows:

  1. Respect yourself, other people and their property
  2. Out of bounds areas are behind the senior block, the car parks and  the dental clinic area
  3. No-one to leave the school grounds without permission from a staff member
  4. Sweets, bubble gum or chewing gum are not permitted at school
  5. Appropriate behaviour/language is expected at all times
  6. Keep out of classes and cloakrooms during intervals, unless instructed by their teachers

MOTTO-Use common sense and manners at all times.



Behaviour Code:

The following behaviour is unacceptable at this school:

  • disobedience;
  • physical violence;
  • verbal abuse (teasing and name-calling);
  • playing with offensive objects, e.g. sticks;
  • dishonesty;
  • theft

We expect all parents/caregivers to support the staff in upholding high standards of personal behaviour.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

C&C Contract Electrical Love Kumara Caltex - Dargaville Ace Rental Ltd
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